Learning Remix Series, part 1: Getting started
Remix is a relatively new framework (open sourced in November 2021), that sort of tricks React developers into becoming fullstack developers. Almost without having to learn new stuff.
Remix is a relatively new framework (open sourced in November 2021), that sort of tricks React developers into becoming fullstack developers. Almost without having to learn new stuff.
At this point you have learned about the core data structures of Rust. You have also seen some of the algorithms that use them. This post presents a case study with exercises. I want to let you think about choosing data structures and practice using them.
This post presents one more built-in type, the tuple. I then show how vectors, hashmaps, and tuples work together.
A HashMap contains a collection of indices, which we call keys, and a collection of values. Each key is associated with a single value. The association of a key and a value is called a key-value pair or sometimes an item.
Like a string, a Vec or std::vec is a sequence of values. In a string, the values are characters. In a vector, they can be any type, as long as they are all the same type.
This post presents a case study. It involves solving word puzzles by searching for words that have certain properties. For example, we will find the longest palindromes in English. We will also search for words whose letters appear in alphabetical order. And I will present another program development plan. A method I call "reduction to a previously solved problem".